Parfait for High School Students

Searching for colleges has never been easier

Parfait will guide you to find schools based on your interests, strengths and other preferences. And connecting with universities at college fairs has never been easier.

Build your shortlist of schools

After connecting with a college at a fair or favorite a university in the app you can start to build your shortlist of schools you might want to apply for. Review the schools or search for others schools you want to consider.

Connect with universities that interest you

Have a question for a university you would like to consider? Start a chat session with them to get your answers quickly. And universities will never spam you if you haven't previously connected.

Create your profile once and connect at college fairs

Never fill out multiple forms at a college fair. Just fill out our profile in the app and we do the rest. And any changes in our profile status are automatically seen by your connected universities.


Download the app to start your journey

The easy way to find the university that is your perfect fit

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